Friday 10 October 2014

1. Jhonty Rhodes

Greatest Fielders in History of Cricket

What Donald Bradman is to batting, Jhonty Rhodes is to fielding.Rhodes is the cricketer who made people recognize fielding as an art and he was the greatest artist in this art. He was undoubtedly the best fielder in the history of cricket.

In the field his acrobatic movement was something unbelievable and real entertainment for the spectators. His could serve his team through his diving power, catching power and above all throwing capabilities which, Run Outs Many Great Batsmen and for sure, save many runs for his team. Jhonty is the only player who Took 5 catches in a ODI match. his “extraordinary fielding” brought up him into the limelight. He is best remembered for his diving run out to Inzamam-ul-Haq in 1992 world cups. without any hesitation he is the No#1 fielder in cricket.

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